Carta dei diritti del passeggero - Forlì Airport

See the Enac (Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile - National Civil Aviation Authority) Passenger Charter of Rights, the summary document and reference guide to air transport regulations.

“Quali sono i miei diritti in caso di ritardo prolungato del volo? A chi devo inviare il reclamo in caso di negato imbarco, cancellazione? Ho smarrito il bagaglio, cosa devo fare?” Passenger's charter of rights seeks to answer these and many other questions, offering a practical tool for information and updates on the main rights and forms of protection provided to travellers in the event of inefficiency in air transport. You can consult the Charter of Passenger Rights at the following link

You can consult the Charter of Passengers' Rights at the following link

Passenger's charter of rights

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