FAQs - Forlì Airport
Find all the information on how to reach the airport at this link.
For information on flights, lost and found and the services offered by Forlì Airport you can contact the information office every day from 8:00 to 20:00
CONTACT CENTER: Tel.+39 0543 783411 Email info@forli-airport.com
TICKET OFFICE: Tel.+39 0543 783434 Email tkt@forli-airport.com
Puoi acquistare il biglietto per il tuo prossimo volo in partenza da Forlì direttamente alla biglietteria dell’Aeroporto! E’ aperta tutti i giorni dalle 8 alle 20 e in concomitanza dei voli al di fuori di quest’orario. Per approfondimenti clicca sul link .
Forlì Airport car parks are located right in front of the terminal, about 20 meters from the main entrance of the terminal. More than 1,061 stalls are available to customers.
The short stop (Kiss and Fly First 10 minutes free) is regulated by a barrier in and out, tkt withdrawal, automatic cash payment or on a column with credit/debit card. For more information see the section Parking at this link link
In the departure area of Forlì Airport there is the Information Office/ Ticket Office where our staff will be ready to welcome you and assist you at any time of your stay at the airport.
Passengers departing and/ or arriving will receive information on flight planning, links to and from the airport, and tourist info on our territory.
Whatever your destination, to be allowed to enter the destination country, simply present a valid identity document, identity card or passport at the check-in desks and security checks. It is the sole responsibility of the passenger to ensure that he or she holds a valid identity document that meets the requirements of the Airline, the immigration control authorities and all other authorities in the country of destination of the flight. Before leaving, remember to check the suitability, validity and expiration of the required documents (for more information visit www.viaggiaresicuri.it, by the Farnesina Crisis Unit). For domestic flights, a driving licence is sufficient. For further information please consult the following link
All’Aeroporto di Forlì se hai già la fatto il check-in online puoi presentarti ai controlli di sicurezza con la tua carta d’imbarco anche 30 minuti prima del volo e sei sicuro di partire!
Se non hai già effettuato il check-in online, ti consigliamo di recarti in aeroporto con congruo anticipo e di raggiungere i banchi accettazione del tuo volo (situati in area Partenze) per effettuare le operazioni di check-in previste. Per ulteriori approfondimenti visita la nostra sezione Guida al Passeggero .
A valid identity card is sufficient for national routes. For the crossing of internal borders within the EU, all Italian minors must be provided with an individual travel document (passport or, where the States crossed recognise its validity, valid identity card for expatriation or other equivalent travel document); to cross the external borders of the EU, and therefore travel to the five countries that do not belong to the Schengen area, you must have a valid passport or identity card.
To receive all the information contact the airline with which you will be traveling and/ or your registry office of the municipality of residence.
Further information is also available at link:
All items deemed to be dangerous for safety, such as scissors, razor blades, knives, files, metal-tipped umbrellas, syringes and any other items that may be used as a weapon, are not allowed on board. No pistols, firearms and instruments firing projectiles, stunning devices, objects with a sharp point or sharp end, working tools, blunt-force objects, explosive and incendiary substances and devices shall be permitted. For further information, please consult the following link link
For further information on articles banned in the cabin on articles see the Enaal website link
Some of these items may still be carried in checked baggage.
The EU regulation on the transport of liquids also provides for carrying on board liquids for a maximum of 1 litre divided into 100 ml units, inserted in a resealable transparent plastic bag to be shown to security staff.
Explosive and incendiary substances and devices shall not be permitted on board.
Per ulteriori approfondimenti consultare il seguente link.
Weapons and ammunition can only be transported if accompanied by a permit issued by the competent authorities depending on whether the service is offered by the company. For the transport of arms and/or ammunition in the hold, consult your airline.
For more information on checked baggage see the following link
Carriers may not refuse boarding to a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility.
This provision shall apply provided that the person concerned has a valid ticket and a confirmed reservation.
Please note that assistance must be booked no later than 48 hours after the flight. The Company F.A. S.r.l., as Manager of the airport of Forlì, through the use of specialized and adequately trained personnel guarantees to people with disabilities or reduced mobility all assistance services on departure in transit and arrival. Passengers with arms or legs in plaster cast or fences may travel by plane, provided that the cast took place at least 48 hours before the flight. A medical certificate clearly attesting fitness for flight is required. All information is available in the following link
Medicines can be transported on board in compliance with the regulations on liquids, according to EU Regulation No. 185/2010.
Security rules at European Union airports
In the case of diabetic passenger under insulin treatment bring a medical certificate and contact your airline prior to travel.