Accessi - Forlì Airport

Daily vehicular pass

The following persons are authorised to apply for an airport badge: all persons working continuously at the airport belonging to:

  • state bodies;
  • airport management company;
  • other entities operating on an occasional or continuous basis at the airport.


In the event of loss or theft, the holder of the TIA, the TIV or the vehicle pass must:

  • immediately file a complaint with the Public Security Authority;
  • inform the employer immediately;
  • immediately inform the membership office for the immediate disabling of the card.

To have a duplicate the owner must go to the Permit Office with the complaint and letter of membership of the company for which he works that attests that he is still employed by the company. The stolen / lost card, in addition to being immediately disabled, will be included in a special list accessible from the gates.


The airport entrance card must be returned by the membership office within 7 working days of the occurrence of one of the following causes:

  • at the request of ENAC and/or the Manager;
  • following termination of employment;
  • following a change of employer;
  • after modification of authorised access areas;
  • after expiry;
  • following withdrawal;
  • when the vehicle no longer needs access to the sterile area.

Both the holder of the Card and the Legal Representative of the Company who requested its release, who will be reported by F.A. S.r.l. to Enac for the provisions of jurisdiction, are jointly liable for the non-return of the Card.
At the time of return, the Card office will destroy the card and issue a report.
If the holder of an expired or disabled card is present at an access point, the attaché must proceed with the collection of the T.I.A. by delivering a special report.
Upon expiration, the vehicle pass must not be returned to the card office as it will be automatically disabled by the system.


The office is located inside the departure area of the air terminal near the F.A. S.r.l." Information Office, is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to noon and 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. It remains closed on weekends and holidays.
During the closing time, for urgent interventions, the entrance cards with escort and vehicular permits can be issued by the staff on duty at the Control Room, operating 24 hours a day.




The tariffs are set out in the following table:

  • payment of airport passes must be submitted together with the forms, except for those clubs that have been granted payment on receipt of invoice;
  • payment may be made by bank transfer or directly by pos/credit card to the Permit Office of F.A. S.r.l.
MPS Agency 1 Forlì IBAN IT 04 R 01030 13202 000001853730
for clients from other countries PASC IT M 1465 IT 04 R 01030 13202 000001853730


The release of T.I.A. and T.I.V. to the staff of the State Entities, on duty at the airport, is free of charge.

Accessi - Forlì Airport

Airport entry pass (T.I.A.)

The Airport Admit Pass is the document authorising access and presence in the airport areas, landside or airside, limited to working hours. The Badge must be worn visibly, is issued by the Airport Manager through its Permit Office and is valid only for Forlì airport.
Its validity is linked to the duration of the contract and/or tender up to a maximum limit of 5 years.

Le tempistiche per l’effettuazione del “background check rafforzato” ai sensi del Reg. UE 2019/1583 potrebbero richiedere sino a 60 giorni dal momento della presentazione della richiesta.

Application procedure

It shall submit to the Permit Office of F.A. S.r.l. the following documentation, legible in all its parts:

  • application form completed in its entirety, stamped and signed by the legal representative of both the institution and the referring institution;

Request access and renovation card TIA (SEC.01A)

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Cumulative TIA issue-renewal request (SEC.01B)

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Issue-renewal conversion request (SEC.01C)

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  • declaration of professional activity, studies and any interruptions (lasting more than 28 days) in the last five years, completed in detail in every part;

self-certification (SEC.06)

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Declaration for release for TIA (SEC.02)

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Privacy information for release TIA (SEC.10)

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  • copy of a valid identity document. If the applicant is a foreign national, it is necessary to attach a copy of an identity document, issued by the country of origin, that gives entitlement to enter Italian territory. If the applicant is a non-EU citizen, a copy of the residence card or visa must be attached. For those who have been resident for the last five years in a State other than Italy, the criminal record certificate issued by the authorities of the country of residence must be attached;
  • copy of health insurance card;
  • a copy of the employment contract or a declaration by the legal representative or his delegate, showing the start and end date of the contract;
  • copy of the tender and/or subcontracting contract or declaration signed by the legal representative or his delegate;
  • copy of the certificate of attendance of a CAT A13 security training course, in accordance with ENAC Circular SEC 05A/2015;
  • copy of the PRM certificate for those working in contact with the public.

The documentation may be handed in directly to the F.A. S.r.l. Permits Office or sent, in one go complete with all attachments, by e-mail to "”.


The issuance of an airport entry card to a person who already holds another card at another national airport does not require:

  • background check;
  • Security awareness course.

The application must be submitted to the membership office as follows:

  • form Sec 01 C completed in its entirety.

Accessi - Forlì Airport

Visitor's entry pass (T.I.V.)

A person who exceptionally or occasionally needs access to the security restricted area may be exempted from the requirements for applying for airport cards and from the obligations on background checks provided that he is escorted each time in the security restricted areas.

The escorting person must maintain the escorted person under direct visual inspection.

People who have an entry card at the airport, in case they have forgotten or just lost it and not yet replaced, can obtain a permission to access the security restricted areas even without being escorted provided that the TIV appears on the words "does not need an escort as in possession of TIA n...".

The access with escort has a maximum validity of 24 hours, however the duration of the T.I.V. must strictly correspond to the period of operational necessity, and may be issued at most 3 access permits with escort to the same person within thirty days, except where there is evidence of the need to access more times.

The documents to be submitted for the application for the card are as follows:

  • form Sec 05 C completed in its entirety;

Request an access card with steward

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  • copy of valid identity document;
  • proof of payment of the applicable tariff.

Accessi - Forlì Airport

Permanent vehicle pass

The means circulating within the security restricted areas, including those of the State authorities, must be in possession of a vehicle pass.

The vehicular laissez-passer shall be displayed in a visible manner throughout the period during which the vehicle is in the security restricted areas of the airport.

Unregistered airport vehicles belonging to the handlers and the operator and covered by comprehensive insurance that will remain permanently inside the airport do not require a vehicular permit.

There are several areas of authorisation:

  • PASS WITH YELLOW BAND, on a white background: allows access to the service road only;
  • GREEN BAND PASS, on a white background: allows access to the service road and to the aircraft apron;
  • PASS WITH GREY BAND, on a white background: allows access to the service road, the aircraft yard and the perimeter road.
  • PASS WITH RED BAND, on a white background: allows access to the service road, the aircraft yard, the manoeuvring area and the perimeter road.

The documentation required to apply for the vehicular permit is as follows:

  • form sec 07 completed in its entirety and signed by the Legal Representative or his/her delegate;

Request Final Vehicle Pass Application

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  • copy of the registration certificate;
  • a copy of the valid Third Party Liability policy with a single limit of liability per claim of € 10,000,000 with no sub-limits both for damage caused to persons and to vehicles and infrastructures, accompanied by an appendix with the explicit wording that the cover is also valid for damage caused within the Forlì airport grounds, including aircraft;
  • copy of the tender and/or subcontracting contract or a declaration signed by the legal representative or his delegate indicating the contractual expiry date;
  • proof of payment of the applicable tariff.

Accessi - Forlì Airport

Daily vehicular pass

A vehicle which exceptionally or occasionally needs access to the security restricted area may be exempted from the requirements for the application of permanent vehicle passes provided that it is escorted each time it enters security restricted areas.

The daily vehicular laissez-passer with escort shall be valid for a maximum of 24 hours and its duration shall correspond strictly to the period of operational necessity.

A maximum of three vehicle passes per day may be issued to the same vehicle within 30 days, except where there is evidence of the need to enter the security restricted area more than once.

The documents to be submitted for the application for the card are as follows:

  • form Sec 08 C completed in its entirety;
  • copy of the registration certificate;
  • proof of payment of the applicable tariff;
  • copy of insurance and certificate.


  • INSURANCEMotor vehicles registered, including trailers, requesting permission to enter the security restricted area of Forlì Airport, excluding those belonging to State entities, to FF.OO. and those used for health care and/ or rescue, must be equipped with adequate insurance for civil liability car RCA. The policy must expressly state that the insurance coverage is also valid for damage caused within the flight area of Forlì Airport, including aircraft, with a single maximum for people and/ or things of at least € 10,000,000,00, no limits or deductibles.

Daily Vehicle Pass Request

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Accessi - Forlì Airport

Ordinanza Enac 4/2023

Ordinanza Enac 4/2023

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